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The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians

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The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Empty Re: The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians

Post  Arikus Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:15 am

MKing wrote:If the problem is the solution
And the solution is the problem
Then what's the solution, so we can fix the problem.

Verse two!


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The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Empty Re: The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians

Post  MKing Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:17 am

If we don't fix this solution
Then we are going to have a problem
And if we have problem
Then solution is never going to be fix.

Your Turn.

Capricorn Tiger
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The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Empty Re: The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians

Post  Arikus Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:19 am

What kind of song is this anyways?
Rock? Rap? Country?

Country Rap?

Title : Resourcerer
Aquarius Horse
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The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Empty Re: The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians

Post  MKing Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:21 am

Not sure yet!
Probably all three


Capricorn Tiger
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The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Empty Re: The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians

Post  Arikus Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:23 am

*Country rap rock solo!*

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The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Empty Re: The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians

Post  PapiChuloLeon Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:05 pm

MKing wrote:
Dr. ARM wrote:* His brother didn't
give a damn if they were related, or not, he still slept with his wife.

what does this have to do with Hephaestus being spineless? This is just
Ares being a dick-head per usual.
Just because this is Ares normal state of mind,
doesn't give him the right to sleep with somebody else wife. After his
pity attempt to embarrass Ares, he still let the man go, and in the end,
he stayed with his slutty wife. So they fucked around, and still got
away with it, so who actually had the last laugh.
Once again, the butt of the
MKing wrote:....And judging by this picture of, Ares....he

already knew that he wasn't going to do SHIT, but sit there, and watch.
Don't hate on the Ares. This is THE God of War. The ORIGINAL Ruler of Scorpio.

The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Fmimage-4-25978
The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Ares_god_of_war_01
The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Ares_canope_villa_adriana1

Damn, look at that papi chulo. If I was his brother's wife, I'd hit it, too.

MKing wrote:
Dinny wrote:
MKing wrote:
Dinny wrote:
On the topic of canes, I think canes can be very sexy. Especially old men who have those badass canes like eagles or cobra's heads with rubies in the eye sockets, and they pull out and reveal a concealed sword. Very Happy

There is nothing....I repeat NOTHING sexy about a cane, unless you are into wiping the drool off of partner, or having some guy back smack you up side your head, and demand his cash.... The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Icon_lol

Nah man, spunky old men are sexy. Everyone gets old someday, but those well-dressed and still fit and healthy old timers are what I hope to be married to. I love you

EWWW.... you are into that kinky shit The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 299730 You're too much for me.
This is her in another life:
The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 F811CA66AA66CDEAC424F1A62277F
The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Anna%20nicole%20smith
The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Anna_nicole10_300

The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Icon_lol

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The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Empty About signs and the Gods

Post  epimenidas Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:54 am

Hey guys, i found this forum by googling on the question what is the connection between the zodiac signs and the olympian gods
I will show you my opinion and please respond to it and tell me where do you think it's mistaken.
We all know i believe that the signs that are opposite of each other share a "special" bond and are considered perfect matches.
Also, please excuse me if i make any mistakes with my english, i'm Greek.
Aries/Libra - Athena/Hephaestus
1) Aries has as a sign the head of a ram. The only sign that is symbolized with a head. In Greek mythology godess Athena was born out of the head of Zeus.
2) the metal that is matching Aries is Iron. Hephaistus was the god of forge.
3) Libra is the only sign that has metal and device for symbol, the scales... Hephaestus
4) Libra is an air sign and Aries a fire sign. Air and Fire. The two things needed in forging.
5) The Scales... symbol of Justice, Athena was the goddes of justice
6) What is the connection between the 2 gods? In ancient Greece they used to build temples of these gods together... at the Acropolis in Athens there is the Parthenon dedicated to Athena and another temple next to it dedicated to Hephaestus. Fact: Athena was an eternal maiden, virgin by choice, but!!! she had a son whose father was...Hephaestus!!! the son's name was Erichthyon, when one day Hephaestus couldn't control his lust he tried to rape Athena, she pushed him back and he ejaculated on her leg, she wiped it off and threw it down to earth, at Athens, where Erichtyon came out of. Erichthyon is considered the founder of Athens. The city that has taken it's name from Athena

Gemini/Sagittarius - Artemis/Apollo
1) They were brother and sister
2) Gemini has as symbol the twins... Artemis and Apollo were twins
3) Sagittarius has as a symbol the Archer... Both brothers had as a weapon of choice the bow
4) Sagittarius symbol aims high, towards god, like as if it's questioning the gods, the starting stone of philosophy, Apollo was the god of philosophy and arts

Leo/Aquarius -Zeus/Hera
1) Leo has as it's symbol the Lion... the king of animals...isn't that obvious? Zeus... the king of the gods
2) Aquarius shows a man pouring water... that has two explanations... either Hera, as she was the goddes of married women, typical sign of serving , either it symbolizes Ganemedes, the divine wine-pourer of Olympus... by some sources, also the lover of Zeus
3) Zeus and Hera were married so they would definetely be together at the sign couples

Taurus/Scorpio - Aphrodite/Aris
1) They were lovers. Indeed Aphrodite was married with Hephaestus but they divorced when Hephaestus caught her fucking in his own bed with Aris... so... they are divorced... (there is a long story of how Hephaestus found out about this, enchainded them both and humiliated them to the other gods before releasing them and divorcing Aphrodite) not married, not any more. On the other hand Aphrodite and Aris never stopped being lovers.... not before the divorce and not after... so there is a strong bond here...
2) both gods represented totalism, totalism of love and totalism of war. Lustful love that can drive you crazy on one hand and bloodlusting war on the other.
3) Scorpios in astrology are considered the more passionate people and also the most self destructive. The scorpio that has it tails behind and strucks his own self... (animal planet fact: scorpios when in danger, for example surrounded by fire, sting and kill themselves with their tail). Aris was the god of war, but not war in general... he was the god of the blind war, the full of hatred war, the bllod-lusting, the self destructive war... (Athena apart for the goddess of wisdom and justice was also the goddess of just, defensice, measured war. In the Iliad she even beats in a battle both Aphrodite and Aris... that's how strong she was)

for the rest i don't have many "clues"... they come up with minor facts and via reductio ad absurdum

Virgo/Pisces - Demeter\Poseidon
1) Virgo is an earth sign, Demeter was the godess of earth and agriculture
2) Pisces is a water sign, Poseidon was the god of the Sea
3) According to a myth they had a child together (by rape though)
4) By one theory Poseidon means "Husband of Earth", by earth meaning demeter
5) Like Athena and Hephaestus they were also worshipped together as pair

Cancer/Capricorn - Hestia/Hermes
1) the leftovers... Smile
only thing i can say about these is that they kind of complete each other as they are completeley opposite... Hestia was one of the oldest goddeses, patron of the family, the architecture and the stability. Hermes on the other hand was one of the youngest gods, the god of commerce and the protector of thieves !

In this way they all match as male-female as is and in the zodiac cycle
If you have any remarks or a different aproach in pairing them please respond

*Dionysus and Hades were worshipped as Olympians but weren't part of the Olympian 12-god Pantheon


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The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians - Page 3 Empty Re: The 12 zodiac signs and the 12 Olympians

Post  Wags Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:52 am

Very nice read! I like these match-ups, very thorough.

Honestly though, if I had to sit down and think about it, there wouldn't have been much thought. I would have made the obvious pair-ups... because the associations are already there thanks to the Roman counterparts. E.g. Aries/Libra - Ares/Aphrodite (Mars/Venus), Gemini/Sagittarius - Hermes/Zeus (Mercury/Jupiter), and so on. Of course the latter wouldn't make a very good "couple" in the sense that you're looking for... unless Zeus transformed, I guess :b

Also, welcome to the forum. Not much activity, but when there is, I think you'll find some good discussions.

Aries Goat
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