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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members Empty The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

Post  PapiChuloLeon Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:07 am

There has been a history of Libran hate on the previous board for as long as I could remember, and it has managed to travel over here.

I personally am neutral on this sign. They're inoffensive and bland in my experiences. Libras don't excel in the fields and industries I care about, so there's no admiration for them either.

Through my own findings this influence is pretty gangster as long as its not in the Sun.

Down to the business though who can step up and let it flow about why they have issues with Libras?

Title : Cat Lover
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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members Empty Re: The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

Post  StarFireSong Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:03 pm

PapiChuloLeon wrote:Down to the business though who can step up and let it flow about why they have issues with Libras?

My mom & my cousin are both Libra suns. While I like them both (different reasons), the thing that bugs me most is that they're SO DAMN CHANGEABLE. Just when you think you have a plan, they throw a wrench into the cogs & BLAM. It blows up in your face. & they expect you to suck it up & let them do what they wanna do. They try to manipulate you into doing stuff for them that they can do perfectly well themselves, etc. They take advantage of people ("give an inch & they'll take a mile"). They're slippery (& use their "charm") at this & then when you call them out on it, they get defensive &/or go on the offensive & blame YOU for their problems.

My cousin particularly loves to use the phrases "I've realized...", "I've noticed...", "I'm 'spontaneous'..." (That last phrase is her go-to "excuse" when she changes some plans that've been set in stone for MONTHS on a whim & less than, say, an hour before you're supposed to implement those plans. You express your disappointment in her & she goes, "But you KNOW I'm spontaneous!") & it turns into them saying something that you've told them before about & yet they're making it sound like they came up with the idea.

My mom... Oy. Most recent example: I was making a photo book from Shutterfly (I had a coupon for a free book) & wanted some pictures of the family. (I'd asked her for them in March/April.) She thinks it's a wonderful idea, drops off a few small photo albums for me to scan, & I don't hear another word about it. It comes down to the wire & all of a sudden she doesn't "trust" me with the pictures, & asks me what I plan to do if my sisters want a book for themselves. She comes right out & asks me, "Will you pay for your sisters?" (SAY WHAAA?) Then it turns into a helluva fight, & basically pushes me to the brink of insanity. Seriously. The next day, there's a bazillion emails in my inbox from her with crappy scans of the family pictures I'd wanted. No apologies, nothing. She doesn't explain why she suddenly changed her mind about the pictures, & when I push her for answers, she just says, "I'd just gotten home from work, & it blew up in my face. I thought your sisters did it already." etc. Excuses, but no explanations. & when you try to clarify it by saying something along the lines of "But I'm not understanding this. Clarify please?" She says the same stuff & tacks on "I'm not looking for a fight."

The whole thing goes in circles until you give up trying to understand the reasoning behind her "decision".

That's pretty much the worst of it. On the flip side, they do (for me) listen fairly well, but they're prone to lecturing. They think their way is the way you should do something, when that something might not be the right way for YOU to do it. They're prone to the "I told you so"s & sometimes say it at the worst possible moment. Yes, they're charming, but they're also hard to pin down. They're great sales people when they want something, even if they'll never use it. They SAY they feel bad when they use someone to get to where they want to be, but they don't TRULY show remorse for it. (If they do, it's false.) In the end, they're always looking out for themselves.


I don't mean to sound so...angry & bitter, but that's been my dealings with them thus far. On the surface, they're great people, but when you get to really know them it's a different story. They're too flighty, &, frankly, I'm tired of having the rug yanked from under my feet just when I think everything's running exactly the way it needs to be.


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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members Empty Re: The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

Post  PapiChuloLeon Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:07 pm

StarFireSong wrote:
PapiChuloLeon wrote:Down to the business though who can step up and let it flow about why they have issues with Libras?

My mom & my cousin are both Libra suns. While I like them both (different reasons), the thing that bugs me most is that they're SO DAMN CHANGEABLE. Just when you think you have a plan, they throw a wrench into the cogs & BLAM. It blows up in your face. & they expect you to suck it up & let them do what they wanna do. They try to manipulate you into doing stuff for them that they can do perfectly well themselves, etc. They take advantage of people ("give an inch & they'll take a mile"). They're slippery (& use their "charm") at this & then when you call them out on it, they get defensive &/or go on the offensive & blame YOU for their problems.

My cousin particularly loves to use the phrases "I've realized...", "I've noticed...", "I'm 'spontaneous'..." (That last phrase is her go-to "excuse" when she changes some plans that've been set in stone for MONTHS on a whim & less than, say, an hour before you're supposed to implement those plans. You express your disappointment in her & she goes, "But you KNOW I'm spontaneous!") & it turns into them saying something that you've told them before about & yet they're making it sound like they came up with the idea.

My mom... Oy. Most recent example: I was making a photo book from Shutterfly (I had a coupon for a free book) & wanted some pictures of the family. (I'd asked her for them in March/April.) She thinks it's a wonderful idea, drops off a few small photo albums for me to scan, & I don't hear another word about it. It comes down to the wire & all of a sudden she doesn't "trust" me with the pictures, & asks me what I plan to do if my sisters want a book for themselves. She comes right out & asks me, "Will you pay for your sisters?" (SAY WHAAA?) Then it turns into a helluva fight, & basically pushes me to the brink of insanity. Seriously. The next day, there's a bazillion emails in my inbox from her with crappy scans of the family pictures I'd wanted. No apologies, nothing. She doesn't explain why she suddenly changed her mind about the pictures, & when I push her for answers, she just says, "I'd just gotten home from work, & it blew up in my face. I thought your sisters did it already." etc. Excuses, but no explanations. & when you try to clarify it by saying something along the lines of "But I'm not understanding this. Clarify please?" She says the same stuff & tacks on "I'm not looking for a fight."

The whole thing goes in circles until you give up trying to understand the reasoning behind her "decision".

That's pretty much the worst of it. On the flip side, they do (for me) listen fairly well, but they're prone to lecturing. They think their way is the way you should do something, when that something might not be the right way for YOU to do it. They're prone to the "I told you so"s & sometimes say it at the worst possible moment. Yes, they're charming, but they're also hard to pin down. They're great sales people when they want something, even if they'll never use it. They SAY they feel bad when they use someone to get to where they want to be, but they don't TRULY show remorse for it. (If they do, it's false.) In the end, they're always looking out for themselves.


I don't mean to sound so...angry & bitter, but that's been my dealings with them thus far. On the surface, they're great people, but when you get to really know them it's a different story. They're too flighty, &, frankly, I'm tired of having the rug yanked from under my feet just when I think everything's running exactly the way it needs to be.
I can definitely see why this trait would cause issues with other people especially the type of people on this forum. This forum is basically all Water and Earth guys. The security oriented elements. People in general like what's steady, consistent, and reliable.

You're not the first person who mentioned to me how Libras don't like to be held accountable or responsible. It must be the mutable effect on Air signs. Geminis have also been very good at the blame game.

How often have you had them try to charm their way out of trouble? Did it work?

Title : Cat Lover
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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members Empty Re: The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

Post  StarFireSong Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:01 pm

Eesh. Just reread my previous post. Forgive the redundancy & grammatical errors, please! I REALLY shouldn't type when I'm tired, lol.

PapiChuloLeon wrote:People in general like what's steady, consistent, and reliable.


PapiChuloLeon wrote:You're not the first person who mentioned to me how Libras don't like to be held accountable or responsible. It must be the mutable effect on Air signs. Geminis have also been very good at the blame game.

How often have you had them try to charm their way out of trouble? Did it work?

Quite often. & it's worked great for them. If it didn't work as often as it does, I don't think they'd keep up the charm. They're great at the crocodile tears in addition to the charming. If they have to bust out the tears, by that point the other person feels so guilty they made the Libran cry that they get off the hook.

My cousin, again, is a major example of that. Speaking in financial terms, she lived her whole life just about flat broke. She got government assistance, & she'd be so proud of how she'd stretch her dollars to pay for this item & that item, but then she'd blow it on her boyfriend & come crying to anyone who'd listen (her dad, me, & a couple other friends of hers) about how she couldn't pay this or that bill & "they're gonna evict me if I don't pay this amount!", etc. She'd back it up with texted photos of those overdue bills for good measure. Anything she could think of. Then she'd ask for a certain amount with an "I PROMISE I'll pay you back!" tacked onto it... The suckers (I was one for a while, unfortunately) would usually loan her the money. But what she never said was that, included in the amount was a bit of cash left over for her to spend on clothes, makeup, & whatever else. & then she'd send you pictures of an outfit she'd bought that was on "clearance", & if you questioned her, she'd either admit it, or she'd say that her dad gave her money to tide her over until she got her next check from the government.

Schooling: She went to college after she got the grant (loan?) from FAFSA & a bunch of other state agencies for a degree she still has no interest in using, but that's beside the point. Anyway, I had been helping her edit her papers (& at some points, literally rewriting the entire paper. Did I mention I was a sucker?) & she'd gotten a bad grade in math, I think. She went to the teacher after class, unleashed a torrent of tears, sniffling about how she'd be failing her dad if she didn't get this grade or whatever. I dunno. After a while of this, her teacher felt so bad for her that she raised her grade the few points she needed & even offered to tutor her personally right on the spot.

(My cousin's a big talker, but at this point, I don't think she'll do 90% of what she says she wants to do. My mom's not so bad. At least with her, I know that if she mentions something she wants to do, she'll go & actually DO it.)

So yeah... They get away with a LOT. Especially the ones who are aware of it & use it to their best advantage.


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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members Empty Re: The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

Post  PapiChuloLeon Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:43 pm

StarFireSong wrote:Eesh. Just reread my previous post. Forgive the redundancy & grammatical errors, please! I REALLY shouldn't type when I'm tired, lol.

PapiChuloLeon wrote:People in general like what's steady, consistent, and reliable.


PapiChuloLeon wrote:You're not the first person who mentioned to me how Libras don't like to be held accountable or responsible. It must be the mutable effect on Air signs. Geminis have also been very good at the blame game.

How often have you had them try to charm their way out of trouble? Did it work?

Quite often. & it's worked great for them. If it didn't work as often as it does, I don't think they'd keep up the charm. They're great at the crocodile tears in addition to the charming. If they have to bust out the tears, by that point the other person feels so guilty they made the Libran cry that they get off the hook.

My cousin, again, is a major example of that. Speaking in financial terms, she lived her whole life just about flat broke. She got government assistance, & she'd be so proud of how she'd stretch her dollars to pay for this item & that item, but then she'd blow it on her boyfriend & come crying to anyone who'd listen (her dad, me, & a couple other friends of hers) about how she couldn't pay this or that bill & "they're gonna evict me if I don't pay this amount!", etc. She'd back it up with texted photos of those overdue bills for good measure. Anything she could think of. Then she'd ask for a certain amount with an "I PROMISE I'll pay you back!" tacked onto it... The suckers (I was one for a while, unfortunately) would usually loan her the money. But what she never said was that, included in the amount was a bit of cash left over for her to spend on clothes, makeup, & whatever else. & then she'd send you pictures of an outfit she'd bought that was on "clearance", & if you questioned her, she'd either admit it, or she'd say that her dad gave her money to tide her over until she got her next check from the government.

Schooling: She went to college after she got the grant (loan?) from FAFSA & a bunch of other state agencies for a degree she still has no interest in using, but that's beside the point. Anyway, I had been helping her edit her papers (& at some points, literally rewriting the entire paper. Did I mention I was a sucker?) & she'd gotten a bad grade in math, I think. She went to the teacher after class, unleashed a torrent of tears, sniffling about how she'd be failing her dad if she didn't get this grade or whatever. I dunno. After a while of this, her teacher felt so bad for her that she raised her grade the few points she needed & even offered to tutor her personally right on the spot.

(My cousin's a big talker, but at this point, I don't think she'll do 90% of what she says she wants to do. My mom's not so bad. At least with her, I know that if she mentions something she wants to do, she'll go & actually DO it.)

So yeah... They get away with a LOT. Especially the ones who are aware of it & use it to their best advantage.

Title : Cat Lover
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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members Empty Re: The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

Post  StarFireSong Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:04 pm

No, she's not a sociopath. She just looks out for #1.


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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members Empty Re: The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

Post  Wags Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:20 pm

The primary dislike I have of this sign (not necessarily of Libra suns or any specific placement) is the wishy-washy nature, it's very reminiscent of politicians. It's one thing to be negotiable and and diplomatic, but dishonest and dodgy are not appealing in the slightest. This is the person that will say something to please you or make you happy but they're not being completely honest with themselves. They may also turn around and say the complete opposite about you in front of another person for the sake of pleasing them as well. I know no one is perfectly consistent, but I can't stand blatant inconsistency like that.

Hate is a strong word, but I strongly dislike Libra. Despite the fact, I've learned a lot from it. I tried to put myself into this sign's shoes, because I used to have a difficult time seeing the other side of an issue (and still probably do, to a lesser extent). I went through a Libran period where I was more neutral and tried to get the arguments of both sides. At some point I have to take a side though. Neutrality can be appealing and provide new insight, but it can also be cowardly. Fundamentally, we do not act on the things we do because of neutrality. We act because we've taken a side, whether consciously or otherwise.

Aries Goat
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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members Empty Re: The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

Post  PapiChuloLeon Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:32 pm

Wags wrote:The primary dislike I have of this sign (not necessarily of Libra suns or any specific placement) is the wishy-washy nature, it's very reminiscent of politicians. It's one thing to be negotiable and and diplomatic, but dishonest and dodgy are not appealing in the slightest. This is the person that will say something to please you or make you happy but they're not being completely honest with themselves. They may also turn around and say the complete opposite about you in front of another person for the sake of pleasing them as well. I know no one is perfectly consistent, but I can't stand blatant inconsistency like that.

Hate is a strong word, but I strongly dislike Libra. Despite the fact, I've learned a lot from it. I tried to put myself into this sign's shoes, because I used to have a difficult time seeing the other side of an issue (and still probably do, to a lesser extent). I went through a Libran period where I was more neutral and tried to get the arguments of both sides. At some point I have to take a side though. Neutrality can be appealing and provide new insight, but it can also be cowardly. Fundamentally, we do not act on the things we do because of neutrality. We act because we've taken a side, whether consciously or otherwise.
so the one sentence edition of why you dislike em is because they have shown to be approval needing pussies at the expense of honesty and consistency?

Title : Cat Lover
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Post  Wags Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:17 pm

If there was a one sentence edition, I wouldn't have posted that much :b

Your summary is one of the main reasons yes, but there is at least one other. Trying to get all sides to an argument (the neutrality thing) might lead the Libran to say everyone's opinion or stance is equally valid. I have a problem with that. I guess you could say it's the non-confrontational/not taking a side traits coupled with the indecisive/wanting approval traits that I don't like.... but it's easier to describe in lengthier detail what I mean when I say those things.

Aries Goat
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The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members Empty Re: The Libra Hate Shown by Forum Members

Post  PapiChuloLeon Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:17 pm

Wags wrote:If there was a one sentence edition, I wouldn't have posted that much :b

Your summary is one of the main reasons yes, but there is at least one other. Trying to get all sides to an argument (the neutrality thing) might lead the Libran to say everyone's opinion or stance is equally valid. I have a problem with that. I guess you could say it's the non-confrontational/not taking a side traits coupled with the indecisive/wanting approval traits that I don't like.... but it's easier to describe in lengthier detail what I mean when I say those things.
I know what you mean. Always fun to put it onto their AZZ once the truth comes to light, and your side is shown to be the truth and right.

I read a survey years ago polling people about what Sun sign they would like to be if they weren't the Sun they are now. Libra was far from being at the top. Funny how a sign that works hard to be liked by everyone didn't measure up so well in that kind of study.

Title : Cat Lover
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Post  Dinny Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:37 am

Nice new sig, broski.

I don't remember ever being guilty of Libra-hate personally, but people hate Libras and Virgos more than all of the other signs put together. Capricorns too.

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Post  PapiChuloLeon Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:48 pm

Dinny wrote:Nice new sig, broski.

I don't remember ever being guilty of Libra-hate personally, but people hate Libras and Virgos more than all of the other signs put together. Capricorns too.
Can you pass me the link for that?

Title : Cat Lover
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