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Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology

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Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology Empty Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology

Post  Dinny Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:24 am

Proud Gemini wrote: Does the Earth play any role in astrology? I could be completely over looking something, but I just thought of the question. I hope I don't end up smacking my forehead saying "DUH" once someone replies, haha!

OneRyt wrote: Well, I would say that since we're on it, the Earth mostly plays its roll through the nurture aspect of our lives, via the culture's that have evolved from it. Then again, you could have a point, and there may be energy points within the Earth which could very well be what have given rise to the diversity within each of these culture's and how each one has expressed themselves within a spiritual and faith-based way.

TycoonBack wrote: The ascendant is the direct influence of the earth in my opinion. Read, and you'll get convinced like me.

OneRyt wrote:The zodiac influence you have comes from the alignment between the zodiac sign in question, the sun and the Earth. So all of it is really dependant on Earth, what he's asking, I think, is if the Earth itself gives out its own energy.

In which case, that may also relate to a passing thought I've had... I wonder what the zodiac signs are like in other solar systems (regardless how absent life is within them... (as far as we know))

Stalker wrote: Well, as Tycoon mentioned, without the Earth, we'd have no Ascendant. I sort of see Ascendant as Earth, since our charts are based mostly on geocentric view, as are our four divisionpoints of chart: Ascendant, Descendant, Zenith and Nadir.

I wish I could be born on Mars or something, just out of spite. Then I'd have to calculate my chart with Martiocentric view. Boy, would it suck to be hypothetically born in outer space somewhere, or on a bypassing asteroid.

HarmoniousIntuition wrote:Well according to, Earth/Gaia/Terra is the ruling planet of Libra: wrote:Earth Rules Libra

Earth is the Libran planet of this solar system whose central themes or keywords are beauty, justice, harmony and relationships. We are here to learn how to live with one another in harmony despite our diversities. This planet must have the most diverse number of races and creatures and plants and minerals in the universe, most of them imported. It also has the most free will of just about any other planet. Our planet is a great experiment and everyone in the galaxy is watching as we are something of a microcosm of our galactic center. Unfortunately, we are not doing very well at this time; we have allowed ourselves to become the victims of inimical forces who wish to make this planet their home.

Libra, because of its great beauty, has been taken advantage of like no other sign (except maybe Pisces). There is no more beautiful sign position than Libra rising or ascendant. These people have model-like faces and bodies and extremely pleasant manners and personalities. Libra rising(not Sun sign) is the personal depiction of what this planet should be like. Unfortunately, as explained earlier, this is at present, far from the case.

As partners, we must help our Libran planet achieve its natural and deserved status. We must clean up our own lives through fasting and prayer, and when there are at least 144,000 fully regenerated humans, the planet and eveyone else will fall into line. Then this planet will take its rightful place as the Libran planet of this solar system.

One of the failings of astrology or astrologers has been not to recognize the true identity of our planet as the true ruler of Libra and how it influences us astrologically -via the ascendant or rising sign. The notion that Earth is always opposite the Sun and therefore in the sign opposite your Sun sign is purely heliocentric and has no validity in a geocentric context. It's sad to see how much garbage is still being circulated in the name of serious astrology. If people knew the truth about the Ascendant(and the Midheaven) astrology would be much more widely accepted than it is today.

Note: Following was compiled by Stalker, and it's composed of discussions about Earth from many different threads.

Something similar was later mentioned in the Librarising thread by Tycoon.


People from the "Librarising" thread wrote:

Points I remember from that site:
*Earth is the ruler of Libra, and the Ascendant is in its 'proper' place when in Libra
*Libra Ascendant is the most attractive ascendant placement
*Your Rising sign is the most important thing to look at when it comes to social stuff
*The quality of the important people in your life is the same as the quality of your rising sign (eg Tycoon has a Leo rising which is a fixed sign, so all of those close to him will be fixed signs)
*A person will have a strong attraction towards a person who has their sun sign for a rising (eg Leo girl will want Leo rising boy)
*Your rising sign is more than a mere mask

I found myself agreeing with a bunch of stuff on that website.

Cancercrab wrote:*1. I thought Venus ruled Libra. ? Also, if you have heard of these, Libra's fall is in the sun, and it's exaltation in Saturn. I was under the impression those placements only exist in Sun through Saturn.

*2. Libra suns I find to be attractive and that other people seem to find Libras particularly attractive. Don't know any Libra ascendants.

*4. It could be Venus... I tend to attract Gemini + Aquarius, but even with my rising in Capricorn, we tend to stay away from each other, maybe even repelled. I also have an instant attraction with same Virgo moons. My boyfriend for example, we hit it off right away, and my Virgo moon roommate got acquainted and got talkative pretty quickly, much more faster than I do with anyone I come across randomly. The reason I have behind this is because I think you tend to get attracted to people who think and feel in the same way you do. You know, the moon... the most personal planet imo. Do you get along with Aquarius's (moon, that is) fairly quickly?

Chunky-Munky wrote:
Points I remember from that site:
*Earth is the ruler of Libra, and the Ascendant is in its 'proper' place when in Libra

That would make sense Seeing as Taurus is Venus's ruler.

*Libra Ascendant is the most attractive ascendant placement

I smell Bullshit!

*Your Rising sign is the most important thing to look at when it comes to social stuff

Mine is in Gemini ( Pisces dwad).

*The quality of the important people in your life is the same as the quality of your rising sign (eg Tycoon has a Leo rising which is a fixed sign, so all of those close to him will be fixed signs)

Mine are Leo, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Taurus.
I dont really agree with that bit.

*A person will have a strong attraction towards a person who has their sun sign for a rising (eg Leo girl will want Leo rising boy)
*Your rising sign is more than a mere mask

I found myself agreeing with a bunch of stuff on that website

Fay just wont leave me alone Cool. She is a Gemini sun and My rising sign is Gemini.

Earth Argument in the Whatever Thread

Mainly Clare and I arguing about Earth, randomly in "The Whatever Thread" wrote:
Cancercrab wrote:Actually Alex, Josh is right to an extent. There are two different ways of approaching planet rulers. Before all of the planets of the solar system were known, some signs were assigned two rulers, like Mars for Aries and Scorpio and Mercury for Virgo and Gemini and Venus for Taurus and Libra. Today, some people argue that there should only be one planet for each sign in which Libra is ruled by Earth and Venus for Taurus. Pluto is given to Scorpio and Mars only to Aries. However, there is a planet for every sign except for Virgo with the new system. I prefer the new system and I prefer assigning Libra to Earth because assigning co-rulerships weakens the planets' strengths. Boy do I sound wacky saying that or what? Though, if you think about it, Virgo is the only non-air sign that is associated with a human figure. Wonder what you could assign it to.

Stalker wrote:Remember that site, They've been sort of getting at same point, that Earth should be the ruler of Libra. The arguments for, I guess, is that earth is a place of social interaction (...not many parties or gatherings on Saturn, for example), and that it's uh, harmonious, right? I have an uneasy feeling about assigning Libra to earth. The other sign ruled by Venus, Taurus, is concerned with material values and physical pleasures. Not to mention the five senses, down-to-earth atchtypes. Venus is often said to indicate our values, tastes, blah blah. To me that sounds more Libran than Taurean, Libra is more about appearance while Taurus is about possessions and security. Feel free to disagree and present arguments.

As to Virgo, Vesta (the devoted sister, straining worker) has been suggested as its official ruler. Actually, some astrologers (although few) use Vesta as Virgo's ruler already. Now, what I wonder is what role Earth/Tulus/Gaia plays in a natal chart, in that case.

Chunky-Munky wrote:
Stalker wrote: I have an uneasy feeling about assigning Libra to earth.

I dont. Lets think about Democracy and and injustice in general.
I think out of all of them libra is best ( hence the scales). Human nature might be a point too.

Anyone to disagree?

Stalker wrote:I can sort of see how people view Earth as Libra's ruler because of harmony and injustice and stuff like that, with other words morals. And on one side you could argument that Libra represents that; the collective and the values of the collective.

I feel like Taurus can fit for the reasons of being the sign fixed on the five earthly senses, material values and possessions. I feel like both signs fit. If Earth represents us as collective, then Libra it is. If Earth represents the material values and our quintessential self, then it's Taurus.

An interesting topic, actually.

Cancercrab wrote:Josh, in my opinion, that is exactly it. The air signs represent human life and their interactions, intellectualism, and the ability to think logically unlike animals. Being that Libra is the sign of justice and balance, something that we humans strive for on earth, it is a good representative sign for Earth.

However, Alex, you can't forget that Venus affects (theoretically...) how we feel things on earth. You could argue that humans only exist on earth, but life forms that taste, touch, see, etc. could possibly exist somewhere else in the solar system, making our planet the only one in which life forms intellectualize and rationalize. By your logic, Capricorn could also rule Earth, because Saturn gives us discipline and forces us to endure hard work in a way that is different than what animals roaming the earth experience. It's sort of a matter of personal preference, but it depends on what you think humans are really meant for, experiencing pleasure, or maybe intellectualizing, both or something else? Venus gives us the ability to take pleasure in things, explore beauty and take it in without intellectualizing the matters, Saturn forces us to work, Pluto gives us a dark side to certain areas of our lives and makes us want to probe and poke into mysteries. You could take any single planet and apply it to human life on earth. That is the whole point of applying these planets to ourselves and creating natal charts. To me, the biggest difference between animals and ourselves is the ability to rationalize, work together to create harmony and attempt to provide balance in our lives, something that air sign Libra represents. I say this with the idea that no life forms like humans exist elsewhere but earth.

Stalker wrote:
cancercrab wrote:Josh, in my opinion, that is exactly it. The air signs represent human life and their interactions, intellectualism, and the ability to think logically unlike animals. Being that Libra is the sign of justice and balance, something that we humans strive for on earth, it is a good representative sign for Earth.

To me, it feels like humans strive for convenience, not balance. I don't say that we have no good or no morals, because we all have consideration for our collective and our fellow beings, we're the only creatures capable of self-awareness and self-realization, but Libra for me symbolises the superfluous part of humanity, the one based on information and interaction, not underst-... I think I'm argumenting against myself. Taurus isn't the depth either, Taurus is the material surface and possessions. I'm gonna think more about that one before I agree or disagree definitely.

Clare wrote:However, Alex, you can't forget that Venus affects (theoretically...) how we feel things on earth. You could argue that humans only exist on earth, but life forms that taste, touch, see, etc. could possibly exist somewhere else in the solar system, making our planet the only one in which life forms intellectualize and rationalize. By your logic, Capricorn could also rule Earth, because Saturn gives us discipline and forces us to endure hard work in a way that is different than what animals roaming the earth experience.

No, by my logic, Saturn being the Capricorn's owner makes perfect sense. And when you first mention it, any sign can be viewed in a way that makes it compatible to be ruled by earth.

Clare wrote:It's sort of a matter of personal preference, but it depends on what you think humans are really meant for, experiencing pleasure, or maybe intellectualizing, both or something else? Venus gives us the ability to take pleasure in things, explore beauty and take it in without intellectualizing the matters, Saturn forces us to work, Pluto gives us a dark side to certain areas of our lives and makes us want to probe and poke into mysteries. You could take any single planet and apply it to human life on earth. That is the whole point of applying these planets to ourselves and creating natal charts. To me, the biggest difference between animals and ourselves is the ability to rationalize, work together to create harmony and attempt to provide balance in our lives, something that air sign Libra represents. I say this with the idea that no life forms like humans exist elsewhere but earth.

I don't have any counter-argument to that, and that's a very good argument. I just realized, before reading your entire post, that I answered the same things you were conveying in this last part.

*facepalm * X<

Cancercrab wrote:
Stalker wrote:
cancercrab wrote:Josh, in my opinion, that is exactly it. The air signs represent human life and their interactions, intellectualism, and the ability to think logically unlike animals. Being that Libra is the sign of justice and balance, something that we humans strive for on earth, it is a good representative sign for Earth.

To me, it feels like humans strive for convenience, not balance. I don't say that we have no good or no morals, because we all have consideration for our collective and our fellow beings, we're the only creatures capable of self-awareness and self-realization, but Libra for me symbolises the superfluous part of humanity, the one based on information and interaction, not underst-... I think I'm argumenting against myself. Taurus isn't the depth either, Taurus is the material surface and possessions. I'm gonna think more about that one before I agree or disagree definitely.

And to me (and to you), humans are moving too fast for our own good. The amount of information and resources available is too readily accepted for our own good. Any sort of Libran influence isn't giving us this. If anything, going for convenience and material satisfaction and this whole 'gimme more' mentality is more Taurus-y to me. What we NEED is balance, something Libra-like influences give us, but we do not take. We're getting greedy with our material possessions.

Stalker wrote:So, in a way, the earth should -represent- Libra and aspire towards Libra (the better sides of our collective), but it reflects the Taurean imbalance and strive for material possessions and control (the more primitive-dominating sides of our collective)?

Cancercrab wrote:Yes, an overall balance should be strived for with everything we are given by from all the other planets that happen rule all of the other signs. Saturn-work, there should be a balance of that with Venus-Taurean pleasure for instance. There should be an overall balance of communication and ideas. A balance of Mars's aggressive energy. All of it, and Libra gives us the rationalizing capabilities to do so... if we choose to.

Title : Edible
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Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology Empty Re: Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology

Post  MKing Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:43 am

Chunky-Munky wrote:
Points I remember from that site:
*Earth is the ruler of Libra, and the Ascendant is in its 'proper' place when in Libra

That would make sense Seeing as Taurus is Venus's ruler.

*Libra Ascendant is the most attractive ascendant placement

I smell Bullshit!

*Your Rising sign is the most important thing to look at when it comes to social stuff

Mine is in Gemini ( Pisces dwad).

*The quality of the important people in your life is the same as the quality of your rising sign (eg Tycoon has a Leo rising which is a fixed sign, so all of those close to him will be fixed signs)

Mine are Leo, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Taurus.
I dont really agree with that bit.

*A person will have a strong attraction towards a person who has their sun sign for a rising (eg Leo girl will want Leo rising boy)
*Your rising sign is more than a mere mask

I found myself agreeing with a bunch of stuff on that website

Fay just wont leave me alone Cool. She is a Gemini sun and My rising sign is Gemini.

Wow. I never seen this thread before. Like, Wiseman, I've also wondered about whether Earth has a ruler or not?

All this information is pretty interesting.......Hmmm I don't know about Libra being the Ruler or not. It's possible, i guess. Then, that would leave Virgo and Gemini, being the only two signs with sharing a planet. If I had to choose one sign to represent Earth, it would be Cancer probably. Whenever I think of Gaia/Mother Earth, I can't help but to think about the traits of Cancer. I never really bought the whole idea of the Moon being the ruler of Cancer, IMO.

As far as the quality of important people in my life, I would say that I am very close to mutable people.

The Sun sign/Rising sign attraction thing is a huge lie. I mentioned this before, but I don't get along with other Capricorns (except my aunt, and she is NOTHING like a Cappy). I don't know if its me, or if its them.......Probably them.

That's why I asked/wanted to know, if people actually got along with their own Sun sign?

EDIT: Wait, Scratch that. I actually DO get along with Capricorn risings. I spoke without thinking. My best friend (Aries), and Ex (Aries), both have Cappy rising LOL. I am such a fucking GOOF. Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology Icon_lol BUT....BUT.....I still don't get along with Capricorn sun. I have had some bad encounters with Capricorn sun.

Capricorn Tiger
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Post  Dr. ARM Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:14 am

MKing wrote:All this information is pretty interesting.......Hmmm I don't know about Libra being the Ruler or not.

It would help if the source wasn't completely biased in favor of Libras.

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Post  MKing Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:25 pm

That's true. Aww poor, Libras.

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Post  mi-cuit Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:19 pm

Hahahaha, true. I am inclined to believe Earth rules Libra for precisely the reasons described on the website. There has been talk of "giving" Mercury to Gemini and naming Vesta, the midheaven, or some other planet as the ruler of Virgo.

Cancer Cat
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Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology Empty Re: Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology

Post  MKing Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:09 am

mi-cuit wrote:Hahahaha, true. I am inclined to believe Earth rules Libra for precisely the reasons described on the website. There has been talk of "giving" Mercury to Gemini and naming Vesta, the midheaven, or some other planet as the ruler of Virgo.

Hmm...but wouldn't that kinda of fuck up the astrology system a bit? It's bad enough that poor Pluto was demoted. Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology Icon_cry

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Post  mi-cuit Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:13 pm

I don't know. Astrology has the tendency to neglect the classifications of modern astronomy (as it well should) aside from attempting to discover the meaning of newly discovered objects. The other signs were given their true rulers with no real damage done, so why not Virgo and Libra?

Cancer Cat
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Post  MKing Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:03 pm

mi-cuit wrote:I don't know. Astrology has the tendency to neglect the classifications of modern astronomy (as it well should) aside from attempting to discover the meaning of newly discovered objects. The other signs were given their true rulers with no real damage done, so why not Virgo and Libra?

True. For whatever reason, I just hate Libra and Taurus sharing Venus. IDK why.

Capricorn Tiger
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Post  Dr. ARM Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:15 pm

Planets and their signs have no relevance, anyway.

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Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology Empty Re: Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology

Post  mi-cuit Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:59 am

MKing wrote:
mi-cuit wrote:I don't know. Astrology has the tendency to neglect the classifications of modern astronomy (as it well should) aside from attempting to discover the meaning of newly discovered objects. The other signs were given their true rulers with no real damage done, so why not Virgo and Libra?

True. For whatever reason, I just hate Libra and Taurus sharing Venus. IDK why.

Hahaha. I swear sometimes it's like you read my mind. For some reason, I also find Libra and Taurus sharing Venus more unappealing than Gemini and Virgo sharing Mercury. Given that Venus is supposed to be in dignity in Libra, it goes all haywire in that position.

Cancer Cat
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Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology Empty Re: Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology

Post  Dinny Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:05 am

mi-cuit wrote:
MKing wrote:
mi-cuit wrote:I don't know. Astrology has the tendency to neglect the classifications of modern astronomy (as it well should) aside from attempting to discover the meaning of newly discovered objects. The other signs were given their true rulers with no real damage done, so why not Virgo and Libra?

True. For whatever reason, I just hate Libra and Taurus sharing Venus. IDK why.

Hahaha. I swear sometimes it's like you read my mind. For some reason, I also find Libra and Taurus sharing Venus more unappealing than Gemini and Virgo sharing Mercury. Given that Venus is supposed to be in dignity in Libra, it goes all haywire in that position.

The thing is, Virgo and Gemini sharing a ruler actually makes sense. Virgos are meant to be the introverted version, Gemini is meant to be the extroverted version. Libra and Taurus don't have any connections or patterns that stand out to me. It just doesn't fit, at least in my view.

Title : Edible
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Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology Empty Re: Restored: Planet Earth in Astrology

Post  MKing Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:46 am

Dinny wrote:
mi-cuit wrote:
MKing wrote:
mi-cuit wrote:I don't know. Astrology has the tendency to neglect the classifications of modern astronomy (as it well should) aside from attempting to discover the meaning of newly discovered objects. The other signs were given their true rulers with no real damage done, so why not Virgo and Libra?

True. For whatever reason, I just hate Libra and Taurus sharing Venus. IDK why.

Hahaha. I swear sometimes it's like you read my mind. For some reason, I also find Libra and Taurus sharing Venus more unappealing than Gemini and Virgo sharing Mercury. Given that Venus is supposed to be in dignity in Libra, it goes all haywire in that position.

The thing is, Virgo and Gemini sharing a ruler actually makes sense. Virgos are meant to be the introverted version, Gemini is meant to be the extroverted version. Libra and Taurus don't have any connections or patterns that stand out to me. It just doesn't fit, at least in my view.

It's a BINGO!

That's it, you two, that's the answer. I couldn't figure out why I didn't care too much for those two sharing a planet, and not the others. It's all about the connection, and with Gemini/Virgo, I can see the connection, but when it comes to Taurus/Libra, It's not there at all. It's like they don't have anything in common. At lease, Gem/Vir are both Mutable, Wordy, Talkative, etc......But that's just not the case when it comes to Tau/Lib. SIGH!

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Post  mi-cuit Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:02 pm

yes yes! the mutable quality does help. It can be argued that all signs sharing a quality will have a common theme though, so I don't know whether that qualifies as grounds to leave them sharing the same ruler. It does make it more "comfortable" though. The whole Libra is "cerebral romance" and Taurus is "sensuality and earthy romance" just seems forced to me.

Cancer Cat
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